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HSE Alumni Centre



'Being Athletic Means Being Successful'

'Being Athletic Means Being Successful'
In 2012, HSE alumnus Evgeny Koudryavtsev opened the football school Championka for pre-schoolers. At the school, kids are able to develop social skills and a ‘sense of the ball’ using Western methodologies. In the latest edition of Success Builder, Evgeny discusses the advantages to such an approach, as well as how Harvard does athletics and why a businessman should be athletic.

HSE Alumni Ambassadors Unite the World

HSE graduates work in dozens of countries, and to this end, the university has founded the HSE Alumni Ambassador project to unite them in a single network. HSE Ambassadors bring together local communities, organize business and informal events with HSE graduates, and provide advice to prospective students.

'You Must Be Globally Competitive'

Students of the HSE campus in Perm met with Andrey Khusid, HSE graduate in Management and master’s graduate in Public and Municipal Administration, and founder of several successful IT projects. He spoke about how to build a career, where ideas come from, and what personal qualities lead to success.

'All Business Ideas Are Meaningless until You Bring Them to Life'

'All Business Ideas Are Meaningless until You Bring Them to Life'
Working with fine art is not only about well-known artists and beautiful paintings; it also requires precise calculation, analysis, management, and even psychology. Art can be a business, and an entirely interesting business at that. HSE alumna Ekaterina Plastinina, who founded and co-owns the art agency Alma Arts, sat down with Success Builder to discuss how to become a connoisseur of the auction business, how to successfully purchase a painting, and why Dubai is better than London.

HSE Sports Managers Win FIFA/CIES Network Prize

The HSE Sports Management graduates’ project for new style sports academies was named the best project of the international network FIFA/CIES in 2015 by a jury at FIFA’s headquarters in Zurich on January 14th.  

'I Wasn’t Allowed to Watch TV as a Kid, but Now I Work in the Film Industry'

'I Wasn’t Allowed to Watch TV as a Kid, but Now I Work in the Film Industry'
The media industry is one of today's most dynamic. Illegal downloading has succumbed to the laziness of the honest user, who is now able to watch films online for just 30 rubles. The Managing Director of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Andrei Gromkovskiy, tells Success Builder about the danger and allure of investing in media products, as well as whether there are ways to manipulate people through TV and whether art or business is most important in the world of film.

Student Research Competition 2015: Sherlock Holmes Versus Pirates

As 2015 drew to a close, a panel of qualified judges was busy deciding on the results of HSE’s Student Research Competition. Out of nearly a thousand submissions in 17 different fields, a jury selected 94 prize recipients, all of which demonstrate how broad and complex the research interests of HSE’s students are.

We're Stronger Than We Think

We're Stronger Than We Think
During gym class in elementary school, Oksana Akhmedova, a graduate from the HSE Faculty of Law, was part of a special group for physically weak children. But this didn't stop her from running an 86-kilometer trail marathon last year that took nearly 15 hours. How does one find the motivation to change, and is this even a question of motivation? Do we always know our own limits? As we start counting down to the New Year, when people often make resolutions to live a better life, Oksana tells us how we can truly achieve our goals.

'It’s Obvious a Scientist Can Make Money in the Sphere of Innovations'

'It’s Obvious a Scientist Can Make Money in the Sphere of Innovations'
Science had already moved into the sphere of consumption in the 20th century, and we now treat technological innovation as if it’s simply a new item on a restaurant menu or the premier of the latest blockbuster film. Science works for everyone personally, and this ‘scientific marketing’ is the merit of new-era scientists – the ‘Steve Jobses’ who are capable of not only inventing, but also selling their inventions. Alexey Rolich, who is a graduate of HSE MIEM, the head of the 3D Visualization Laboratory, and the creator of the Public Charger project, which has received an UMNIK grant, tells Success Builder how to make money in science.

‘Listen to Your Inner Voice When Choosing Your Life's Path’

Evgenia Kondrashina graduated with honours from the International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF) bachelor’s programme in 2005 before going on to receive her master’s from the London School of Economics. An excellent student, Evgenia for a long time thought that the next logical step would be a prestigious career at a top English consulting firm, but the idea of following in others’ footsteps doesn’t make everyone happy. Evgenia deviated from this trajectory and found herself in one of the world’s leading orchestras – the London Symphony Orchestra – where she continues to work today.