Study at HSE University, then go to Oxford and on to Yale to plumb the full depths of economics as a social science—that is the path that Dmitry Aksakov, graduate of the ICEF bachelor’s programme and now head of ESG Banking at VEB.RF has followed. In this interview with Success Builder, he explains how Mick Jagger helped him choose a university, why employers themselves seek out Oxford students, what ‘green investing’ is and how working with it can change your lifestyle.
The registration period for the International Data Analysis Olympiad (IDAO-2021) is open until March 12. The qualifying round has already begun and will run until March 31. This year, the HSE Faculty of Computer Science and Yandex are holding the Olympiad for the fourth time. This year's Platinum Partner is Otkritie Bank. The Olympiad is organised by leading data analysts for their future colleagues—early career analysts and scientists.
Nikita Kazeev holds a Candidate of Sciences degree (Russian equivalent of a PhD) in Computer Science and a PhD in Physics. He is a Research Fellow at the LAMBDA Laboratory and works at CERN. In an interview with HSE News Service, he talked about what it was like to defend his dissertation in a double doctoral degree programme at HSE University and Sapienza University of Rome, what it is like to conduct research in Geneva, and why it is imperative to communicate with colleagues.
There are quite a few HSE graduates among HSE’s faculty. Four employees of the HSE Innovations Management Department are former and current students of the Department’s Master’s programme in ‘Corporate Research, Development and Innovation Management’. HSE News Service spoke with them to find out why they are working at their alma mater, what teaching means to them, and what they like about their students.
Recognized card game masters claim that victory is possible only after making a thorough analysis of the likely combinations contained in your opponent’s cards, making it a literal application of data analytics to game theory. Anastasia Erastova, now a data scientist at the New York office of BNP Paribas, graduated from ICEF with honours. At the time, she was also the Russian vice-champion at bridge. In an interview with Success Builder, she explained why mathematics and gambling often go hand in hand, the advantages of studying next door to Wall Street and how math students can get a work visa in the United States.
Despite the crisis in the labour market caused by the pandemic, the company has hired approximately 1,000 new employees over the past six months. HSE graduate Dmitry Smyslov, the Group Vice President for Personnel and Educational Projects, played a central role in that process. In this interview with Success Builder, Mr Smyslov explains why there are not enough mathematicians and economists among HR directors, how is blurring the line between fundamental science and the IT industry, which types of specialists are in demand right now and what exactly makes Russian companies good for careerists.
Ekaterina Melianova and Artem Volgin, both graduates of the Master’s Programme Applied Statistics with Network Analysis, took second place in two CDP competitions: the Unlocking Climate Solutions Kaggle Competition and the COVID-19 Symptom Data Challenge. In the coronavirus-related data competition, the HSE graduates outperformed professors and PhD students of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, the University of Washington, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and other foreign universities.
Light is a perfect medium according to Marshall McLuhan, who was the first to seek a deeper understanding of electronic communications. Modern media, however, have become the means not only for conveying facts but also for managing meanings — which is why the current agenda is shaped, to some extent, by the media. Dmitry Elovsky, Deputy Chief Editor at Dozhd TV and graduate of the Applied Politics programme at HSE, told Success Builder about the media’s strength as the so-called ‘fourth estate,’ how journalism is taught in the West, why working in Russian media is the province of the young and why the risk of ‘burnout’ is so great in this country.
The Master’s Programme Lawyer on the Global Financial Market began accepting students in 2018 and graduated its first class this year. Among them was Sberbank Chief Legal Advisor Irina Gridasova. In this interview with Success Builder, Ms Gridasova explains how to switch from political science to law without missing a beat, looks at gender stereotypes in the legal field and describes translating the clerical language of contracts into the language of living and breathing clients — a task all lawyers dread.
In his annual New Year's video address, HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov wished everyone a happy holiday. 'This year we learned to help each other,' the rector said. 'In the coming year, may we take more delight and make new friends.'