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HSE Alumni Centre


Research & Expertise

‘I Came Up with the Idea to Create an Application Useful for Practicing Physicians’

‘I Came Up with the Idea to Create an Application Useful for Practicing Physicians’
Dmitry Ryabtsev, a 2024 graduate of the master's programme at the HSE Faculty of Computer Science, created an AI-powered software service for ophthalmology during his two years of study. This product is now entering the market, and its developer plans to participate in establishing a working group on software engineering for medical applications at the HSE Faculty of Computer Science, with the goal of promoting more genuinely useful domestic projects. In an interview with HSE News Service, Dr Ryabtsev shared his story of how a professional doctor turned into a programmer.

‘Not Once since I Decided to Pursue Science Have I Ever Been Bored’

‘Not Once since I Decided to Pursue Science Have I Ever Been Bored’
Sergey Samsonov could have become a historian or worked in a hedge fund, but he devoted himself to mathematics. In this interview with the HSE Young Scientists project, he explained why he chose research in statistics and machine learning and how to generate a million images of cats.

‘The Study Experience at HSE University Was Important to Me in Starting in a New Career’

‘The Study Experience at HSE University Was Important to Me in Starting in a New Career’
Russian corporations have started practicing mindfulness meditation to solve psychological tasks in their teams. The Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being journal has accepted for publication the paper ‘Short-Term Effects of an Online Mindfulness Meditation Intervention’ by Evgeny Osin, Associate Professor at the HSEFaculty of Social Sciences, and Irina Turilina, graduate of the master’s programme in Counselling Psychology. Personality Studies. Irina spoke to the HSE News Service about the research and her studies at HSE University.

‘We Facilitate High-Speed Car Crashes and Study How Car Engines Work Based on Photos of Flying Debris’

Nikita Kazeev
Nikita Kazeev holds a Candidate of Sciences degree (Russian equivalent of a PhD) in Computer Science and a PhD in Physics. He is a Research Fellow at the LAMBDA Laboratory and works at CERN. In an interview with HSE News Service, he talked about what it was like to defend his dissertation in a double doctoral degree programme at HSE University and Sapienza University of Rome, what it is like to conduct research in Geneva, and why it is imperative to communicate with colleagues.

Russian University Graduate Employment Statistics Look Good, But a Closer Look Reveals Gaps between Regions and Labour Markets

Russian University Graduate Employment Statistics Look Good, But a Closer Look Reveals Gaps between Regions and Labour Markets
At the inaugural seminar of the 2020/2021 academic year held at the HSE Institute of Education, Sergey Roshchin, HSE Vice Rector and Head of the Laboratory for Labour Market Studies, and Senior Research Fellow Victor Rudakov presented a report entitled ‘University Graduates in the Russian Labour Market’.