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HSE Alumni Centre


Tag "alumni"

‘I Gained Real Knowledge About French Law, Not Just a Line on My Resume’

HSE has hosted its graduation ceremony for students of the international programme French (European) Economic Law, which the university carries out in conjunction with long-time HSE partner Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne. HSE Vice Rector Sergey Roshchin gave out the diplomas, as did Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne leadership, a first in the programme’s history.

Nomination of Candidates for HSE Alumni Awards 2018 Is Open

Nomination of Candidates for HSE Alumni Awards 2018 Is Open
HSE Alumni Awards are given annually to outstanding HSE graduates in several categories. This year, HSE will recognize both graduates who have achieved professional success in business and civil service, and those who have contributed to the popularization of sports, media industry or development of charitable and socially important projects.

'If No More Problems Exist at Your Job, You Can Just Retire'

'If No More Problems Exist at Your Job, You Can Just Retire'
As Russia’s digital economy gains momentum, participants of the sporadic market of digital services need to pave a path for success using their experience, professional instincts, and basic knowledge. In the latest edition of Success Builder, CreativePeople Director Sergei Prokofiev discusses what it’s like to build a business alongside other HSE alumni, how to protect designers and monetise creativity, and what one should learn in order to find a job in the digital sphere.

HSE MBA Graduate Appointed Acting Governor of Lipetsk Region

HSE MBA Graduate Appointed Acting Governor of Lipetsk Region
Igor Artamonov, a graduate of the MBA Finance programme, which was developed by HSE for Sberbank, has been appointed Acting Governor of the Lipetsk Region.

HSE Hosts Joint Graduation Party for HSE/FIFA/CIES Programmes Taught at Two Campuses

HSE Hosts Joint Graduation Party for HSE/FIFA/CIES Programmes Taught at Two Campuses
43 students from two HSE campuses received a professional retraining certificate from the HSE Executive Programme in Sports Management together with a CIES/FIFA diploma this year. The students had the opportunity to attend lectures both in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where they were broadcast live. The final, sixth, module of the programme was taught in Pushkino near St. Petersburg. The graduates prepared their degree projects together.

It’s Only the Beginning for the ICEF Graduates of 2018

It’s Only the Beginning for the ICEF Graduates of 2018
On September 13, 230 graduates of ICEF-UoL Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes received their diplomas. The history of HSE's collaboration with the London School of Economics of the University of London spans more than 20 years and demonstrates the integral role that international cooperation between universities plays in academic, research, and cultural development. The graduates of 2018 are sure to continue this tradition.

Higher School of Economics Produces the First eSports Managers

HSE degrees in professional retraining in Management and certificates from the Federation of Computer Sports were presented to the first graduates of the programme ‘eSports Management’ at an official ceremony. In addition, some of the graduates also receive the status of a referee.

'Now Any Humanities Specialist Is Somewhat of a Designer'

'Now Any Humanities Specialist Is Somewhat of a Designer'
The world is digitising. This is not a simple process for the media, as ‘ordinary’ reality and digital reality are two different worlds, themselves separate from a magazine. Trifon Bebutov, Esquire Russia’s Digital Editorial Director and a graduate of HSE’s continuing education programme in graphic design, met with Success Builder to talk about what responsibilities his job entails, what exactly ‘paper aesthetics’ means, and how bad packaging can kill amazing content.

The Most Important Thing at HSE’s Faculty of Mathematics is the People

The Most Important Thing at HSE’s Faculty of Mathematics is the People
Graduates of the Faculty of Mathematics at HSE, Andrey Ionov and Lera Starichkova, who have since enrolled in educational programmes at leading international universities, spoke about their love for mathematics, the level of the Bachelor programme at HSE, and admission to foreign PhD programmes.

'I Actively Use My HSE Lecture Notes at Work'

'I Actively Use My HSE Lecture Notes at Work'
This spring we found out that it takes 56,000 LEGO bricks to build an eight-meter-high model of the Titanic and that after more than half a decade, people still aren’t sick of putting together simple pieces of plastic. Sergey Kozlov, a graduate of ICEF and currently LEGO’s operations director in Seoul, told Success Builder why he likes moving, why the Christiansens’ family business doesn’t fire people, and whether or not he gets to play with LEGO bricks at his desk.