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HSE Alumni Centre


Tag "sports"

An Excursion to the Sky

In July, students from the HSE Extreme Sports Club planted the university’s flag at the top of Mount Elbrus, one of the world’s highest peaks. Garry Rutberg, one of the club’s leaders, and Alexandra Oleinikova, an HSE alumna and the club’s guide, tell us about the complicated nature of the mountain, ways of fighting hypoxia, and what it’s like to walk amongst the clouds.

HSE Students and Alumni in Charity Run

HSE Law Faculty alumni Oksana Akhmedova and Tatiana Zolotukhina won prizes at the annual Moscow Legal Run at VDNKh. 62 HSE students worked as volunteer organisers of the run.

Cars No Longer a Priority

Cars No Longer a Priority
A team of students and alumni from the Higher School of Economics took part in the bicycle parade #WowMoscow on Moscow City Day. The cyclists rode 26 kilometers along Moscow’s streets and embankments, going all the way from the Worker and Kolkhoz Woman monument at VDNKh to Krasnaya Presnya Park.
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