Ernest Sadykov, a graduate of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science (FCS), works as a software engineer at Facebook. In this interview, he tells Success Builder how an extrovert can be a 'techie', why companies have trouble finding IT specialists and what Facebook’s philosophy is.
Tag " computer science"
Makar Stetsenko, an alumnus of the ‘Applied Mathematics and Information Science’ programme (2017), now works at Silicon Valley Insight developing digital products. In a special interview for HSE, he discussed T-shaped people, what it is like to work remotely in the tech sector and the benefits of participating in conferences and workshops.
Sergey Shershakov is 2012 graduate of the HSE master’s programme in System and Software Engineering, lecturer of a course in Data Algorithms and Structures, a researcher at the Laboratory of Process-Aware Information Systems (PAIS Lab), and participant of the Young Faculty Support Programme in the Category ‘New Researchers’. Sergey told us what Process Mining is, how to keep your knowledge up-to-date without working in the industry, and why HSE graduates don’t have to ‘forget everything they’ve been taught’.